2019 Archaeology for Educators Course Registration
June 24–28, 2019
Times: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Format: In-person + online/independent
Location: Castleton University and the Helen W. Buckner Preserve in West Haven, VT
Instructor: Dr. Matthew D. Moriarty, Castleton University
Academic Credits: 3 (granted by Castleton University)
Level: Graduate and Undergraduate
Open to all K-12 educators
Registration Deadline: June 20
Course Description
This course introduces the science and practice of archaeology to educators through activities, discussion, and active participation in an ongoing archaeological dig. Course participants will discuss conceptual approaches to interpreting the past, field and laboratory methods used by archaeologists, and the relationship between archaeology and other disciplines like history and ecology. Participants will be introduced to a wide range of potential activities and lessons for teaching archaeology in the classroom.
This course involves a hybrid of online and in-person instruction. Readings and assignments will be available on Moodle in early June and can be completed independently and at the participant’s discretion. During the week of June 24–28, participants will meet from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at Castleton University and at the dig site in West Haven, VT. During this week, students will take part in ongoing fieldwork, participate in discussions with guest lecturers, and receive hands-on training in archaeological methods.
Archaeological investigations are taking place on the Galick Farm property within The Nature Conservancy’s Helen W. Buckner Preserve at Bald Mountain in West Haven, VT. The Buckner Preserve is one of the most biologically diverse settings in all of Vermont and is home to some of the state’s rarest or most endangered species. Archaeological investigations are focusing on a Native American and historical Euro-American site with evidence of extensive human activity over the last 11,000 years. Participants should anticipate a moderate amount of hiking and physical work (with plenty of breaks!). There are no formal bathroom facilities in the preserve; however, the town of Whitehall, NY is just ten minutes away by car. Detailed directions and background information will be made available prior to the start of the course.
If you have any questions about the course or wish to pay with a purchase order or check, please contact Dr. Matthew Moriarty at matthew.moriarty@castleton.edu.